Category: City

  • Twin Knobs Trail

    Trailhead Marker

    Twin Knobs Trail

    Ozark-St. Francis National Forest

    Siloam Springs AR

    March 1, 2025

    Today was a beautiful day for a hike in the woods and I picked the Twin Knobs Trail near Siloam Springs, Arkansas. Before I tell you about the trail, let me mention that once you exit off the highway (412), you are pretty much on a gravel/dirt almost single lane road for about 4 miles to get to the trail head.

    The parking area at the trail head is very small but there is another parking area just before the trail head to the west that is a little bigger. There are no bathrooms so you might want to stop at the gas station on the corner of the Highway 59 and 412 intersections.

    The Twin Knobs Trail is rated as a moderate trail and I would have to agree although there are several areas that are much easier to walk. There are times when you will walk on larger rocks and other times smaller ones but all in all, a very easy moderate hike. There were a few places that were muddy or had standing water but I was able to avoid getting my shoes messy by walking on the rocks.

    The first Knob that you come to is very large and unique but the second Knob at the end of the trail where you will turn around and head back to the parking area was by far much better in my opinion. On the back side of the second knob there were faded blue markings leading up to the top and I being the curious sort, decided to investigate. It is almost a straight up climb but short. I wondered around a bit and discovered that there was a camp site and someone had tried to make a lean to for shelter. I didn’t want to miss any of the original trail so I climbed back down and continued on around the knob. You can see for miles in the distance on the second knob. When heading back around and down from here you will come to an area that has what looks like a square cut from the rocks. I decided to investigate and discovered that people have camped in this sheltered area as the fire ring was still there as well as the ashes.

    The trail markers are blue and you will see several off the walking path but the correct path is well worn and used by people walking, people on bicycles, dogs, deer, and other wildlife. Although today I didn’t see any wildlife other than the tracks that were left behind.

    Along the trail it is very peaceful and I can imagine that the fall colors are absolutely gorgeous but you will always hear the hum of the distant traffic.  

    When I reached the parking lot, I decided to continue following the trail for just a bit longer. The trailhead by the parking lot heading south is not marked but the path is well worn and visible. I followed this trail down to the bottom at the dry creek bed and then turned back to the trailhead. It was a very easy trail but very quiet. So, if you want to get away from all noise and not wanting to see anything but trees, I would suggest this trail. It was about a mile to the creek bed where I turned back.

    I only saw two other people on the Twin Knobs trail and that was as I was heading back to the parking lot. This does appear to be a very popular area for people to visit as there were three other vehicles there when I left.

    By following my route, you will do almost 8 miles round trip.

    You can see more photos from my hike on my Facebook page at

  • Trading Post

    August 2024

    The day I stopped the museum and other buildings were closed but I was able to walk around the cemetery. There is a lot of history there. A couple of the buildings I was able to look inside and this appears to be an interesting stop. Hopefully, I’ll be able to stop again and the buildings will be open.

    You can see a few of my photos on my Facebook page at

  • Parkville Nature Sanctuary

    White Tail and Old Kate Loop

    August 3, 2024

    This is a very popular trail so I arrived early at sunrise and was able to cover almost all of the trail without seeing many people. It is rated an easy trail and I would agree. There are parts of the White Tail trail that will be hills and rocks but it is easily transversed.

    Upon arriving, there is a flower bed, picnic tables, and an old jail to see. There are restrooms somewhere but I didn’t find them. I traveled the trail by going to the left or counter clockwise. Shortly into the hike, you will come to the waterfall. When I was there, it did have a little water flowing. You are able to walk up and around to the top and come down on the opposite side. It can be a little steep and rocky doing this. Along the trail, there are benches to sit and enjoy the scenery, animals, or peace and quiet. There aren’t many signs to help guide along the path but you should be able to figure out which way to go.

    I did see some racoons and was able to get pretty close to a family of deer. A buck, doe, and two fawns. There is also the Blue Bird Trail that is another easy path to follow. It will intersect with the Old Kate Loop.

    All in all and very nice easy trail to enjoy.

    You can see more of my photos from my visit on my Facebook page at

  • Tunnel Vision – Tweety Bird – Landline Loop

    January 1, 2024

    This was a First Day hike for me. All in all I did about 7 miles or so. I had walked this trail before but due to the rainy and muddy conditions in the area, I decided to do this one again because the trail is usually pretty dry. The trail was a little wet at the start but that is usually the case because of the runoff along the Tunnel Vision path. I enjoy this trail. There was no one on the golf course today, but I also started pretty early. Last time I was on this trail, there was construction after the golf course but today that was completed and I was able to go through the tunnel, “You got this”.

    After I finished the trail on the All Trails app. I drove over to the beginning of the Tweety Bird trail and went to the left and through the tunnel which was decorated on both sides. After going for about a mile, I turned around and went back to the car as that was as far as I wanted to walk today. The Tunnel Vision trail seems to be rather long and I think I’m going to try and walk all of it some day and see how long it is.

    It was a cloudy and cool day. By the time I was finishing, it was starting to get cold even though the temperature was higher than when I started.

    The trails today were very easy for me. I enjoy going this time of year as you will sometimes see Christmas decorations along the trail.

    You can see more photos I took along the trail on my Facebook page

  • Lakeview Trail – Stockton Lake

    Stockton, Missouri

    July 20, 2024

    This is a moderate rated trail. I actually found it very easy to walk. There were a few rocks and roots but very little elevation. You will be under tree cover for 99% of this trail. It is about an eight mile walk. Around the three mile mark, there is some kind of open area that appears to be where some type of games are played. About four miles in you can walk down to the water. This is the only area where swimming is allowed area at the lake. No boats are allowed. There is a bathroom at this point.

    When you come to the cemetery, there is another trail Umber Ridge Trail that you can take but today I just continued on the Lakeview Trail.

    A little way passed the cemetery, you will be able to go off trail for just a bit at the bridge and you can walk a little closer to the water. Here you will see boats on the water.

    About the last mile or so, you will come out of the trees and cross the highway and then will be back in the trees for a bit and then travel on a service road and back to the parking area.

    It isn’t the most exciting or pretty trail but it is a nice get-away if you want to have some alone time. I only encountered a park employee at the swimming area. Otherwise, I was alone on the trail. I did see a squirrel, several deer, and two wild turkeys.

    All in all a very nice walk in the woods.

    (After returning from my outing, I was told that it isn’t very safe to walk there by yourself. Several people had been attacked. I try to do my due diligence and stay safe but sometimes you never know until after the fact. Just be aware of your surroundings. I do usually have a walking stick and spray with me in hopes of being able to defend myself if needed.)

    You can see some of my photos from the day on my Facebook page at

  • Big Sugar Creek – Chinquapin Trail

    Big Sugar Creek State Park, Pineville MO

    Chinquapin Trail

    December 16, 2022

    I did the yellow trail first which circles around the perimeter bottom. This trail was very pretty and had several scenic views. I did have to cross water several times and would definitely recommend waterproof boots or shoes. I had a couple of deer watching me from on top of the hill for a while. This was a pretty easy trail even though it was rocky in places.

    After the yellow trail, I did the white trail which basically climbs the hill and is a moderate climb. This trail cut the yellow trail in half. When I reached the end of the white trail where it meets the yellow, I turned back and did it again.

    All in all, a 6.5 mile hike.

    I was the only one on the trail today and it was a cold wintery day and I would recommend this trail.

    You can see some of my photos from the day on my Facebook page

  • Prairie State Park

    Mindenmines, Kansas

    September 11, 2021

    Today I participated in a guided hike to see the bison, or as most people call them buffalo, at Prairie State Park. The guide was very informative and the hike very short so when we reached the bison and the guide turned back to the visitor center, I and a few others continued on down the trail.

    I did not get close to the bison as that can be very dangerous but I kept them in sight and continued on the path that went to the west and curved around and came up north of the visitor center. Eventually I came to a road which lead back to the parking lot.

    This is mostly a grass trail and during the rainy season could be very wet and possibly be tick infested. I would rate the trails as easy.

    Overall, it was a nice day to get outside and enjoy nature and see bison in the wild.

    You can see more of my photos from the day on my Facebook page at

  • Lost Hill Park – Fulbright Spring Greenway

    Springfield MO

    September 2, 2024

    Because the bugs and ticks are still out and abundant this year, today I opted for a paved trail. In the All Trails app this is called the Fulbright Spring Greenway and rated an easy 7.9 mile trail.

    At the trailhead, there is a descent sized parking lot and port-a-potties. There is also a little swing set and a bench so the kids can play and the adults can rest awhile. This trail does allow bicycles and everyone I met today on bikes were courteous and gave warning when they were approaching. A little way in, you will come to a fork in the road. I went right on the David C. Murray Trailhead (2.78). Most of this trail is shaded. There are a couple of creek crossings so if it has recently rained, you may have to cross water. There are also a few small inclines on the path I traveled today but nothing too strenuous. This trail does travel along side a shooting range so pay attention to the signs and do not follow the path into the range.

    When you reach the Retiree Bridge, keep to the left and enter what used to be the Fulbright Landfill. You will eventually reach another trailhead and I followed the Ritter Springs Trailhead (1.85) until I reached the stop sign at Farm Road 88. There was quite a bit of traffic today so I didn’t want to walk on the road and I turned back at this point.

    When I reached the intersection of the David C. Murray Trailhead and Truman Elementary Trailhead, I followed the Truman Elementary Trailhead until I reached the housing development. This was about a mile or so and then I turned around and went back to the parking lot.

    The trail was fairly busy today with people walking dogs, people running, and others just out enjoying a walk. All in all, this was a very nice walk and should I need a paved trail in the future, I will come back and maybe start at the Ritter Springs Trailhead.

    You can see some of my photos from the day on my Facebook page

  • Dogwood Canyon

    Lampe Missouri

    May 27, 2024

    I visited Dogwood Canyon today. Due to all the rain in the area recently, a lot of the trails were closed or muddy so I opted for a paved trail and Dogwood Canyon did not disappoint. This trail is about 3 miles from the start to the end. There are a few dirt trails that lead off the paved path but I wasn’t able to travel on them during this trip.

    All the falls in the park are manmade. You can rent bicycles instead of walking on the trail if you choose. Or there is a tram that will take you from the front to the back of the park and also through other parts of the park that are unavailable for walking or biking. All in all it was a nice trail. At the end of the paved trail where the turn around is, there is a waterfall with yellow trout in it. This is a very popular spot on the trail. This part of the trail is on the Arkansas side so you can say you walked from Missouri to Arkansas all in one day.

    I was able to get about 7 miles in for the day.

    At the entrance of the park, there is a museum that has interesting items on display. There are a couple of bathrooms along the trail. During the busy season, there are places to get food along the trail as well. There is an entrance fee to get into the park.

    You can check out some of my photos of the day on my Facebook page at

  • Ruth and Paul Henning Trail

    April 22, 2023

    I hiked all of the trails at the Ruth and Paul Henning State Forest near Branson, Missouri to celebrate Trails Day and as a part of Earth Day week.

    It was a very easy trail to visit the lookout tower, which I only made it part way up due to my fear of heights, and then I did the Red, Yellow, Blue, and Orange trails (basically covered every trail there.) Most of the time the trails were easy and then there would be that little bit that was more moderately challenging due to the rocks and tree roots, not to mention the elevation.

    I saw several small waterfalls at various places. The trails were mostly clear other than a few spots that were wet due mostly to the water runoff from underground which made the trail a little muddy. I was able to see a few spring blooms but nothing real exciting stood out. The butterflies were probably the best part for me.

    Overall, a very nice hike.

    You can see more photos from the hike on my Facebook page