Category: Lampe

  • Dogwood Canyon

    Lampe Missouri

    May 27, 2024

    I visited Dogwood Canyon today. Due to all the rain in the area recently, a lot of the trails were closed or muddy so I opted for a paved trail and Dogwood Canyon did not disappoint. This trail is about 3 miles from the start to the end. There are a few dirt trails that lead off the paved path but I wasn’t able to travel on them during this trip.

    All the falls in the park are manmade. You can rent bicycles instead of walking on the trail if you choose. Or there is a tram that will take you from the front to the back of the park and also through other parts of the park that are unavailable for walking or biking. All in all it was a nice trail. At the end of the paved trail where the turn around is, there is a waterfall with yellow trout in it. This is a very popular spot on the trail. This part of the trail is on the Arkansas side so you can say you walked from Missouri to Arkansas all in one day.

    I was able to get about 7 miles in for the day.

    At the entrance of the park, there is a museum that has interesting items on display. There are a couple of bathrooms along the trail. During the busy season, there are places to get food along the trail as well. There is an entrance fee to get into the park.

    You can check out some of my photos of the day on my Facebook page at