Tag: Stockton Lake

  • Lakeview Trail – Stockton Lake

    Stockton, Missouri

    July 20, 2024

    This is a moderate rated trail. I actually found it very easy to walk. There were a few rocks and roots but very little elevation. You will be under tree cover for 99% of this trail. It is about an eight mile walk. Around the three mile mark, there is some kind of open area that appears to be where some type of games are played. About four miles in you can walk down to the water. This is the only area where swimming is allowed area at the lake. No boats are allowed. There is a bathroom at this point.

    When you come to the cemetery, there is another trail Umber Ridge Trail that you can take but today I just continued on the Lakeview Trail.

    A little way passed the cemetery, you will be able to go off trail for just a bit at the bridge and you can walk a little closer to the water. Here you will see boats on the water.

    About the last mile or so, you will come out of the trees and cross the highway and then will be back in the trees for a bit and then travel on a service road and back to the parking area.

    It isn’t the most exciting or pretty trail but it is a nice get-away if you want to have some alone time. I only encountered a park employee at the swimming area. Otherwise, I was alone on the trail. I did see a squirrel, several deer, and two wild turkeys.

    All in all a very nice walk in the woods.

    (After returning from my outing, I was told that it isn’t very safe to walk there by yourself. Several people had been attacked. I try to do my due diligence and stay safe but sometimes you never know until after the fact. Just be aware of your surroundings. I do usually have a walking stick and spray with me in hopes of being able to defend myself if needed.)

    You can see some of my photos from the day on my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61571357578836&sk